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Shoping terms delivery prices, terms and conditions.
Delivery prices and delivery time in the territory of Latvia:

OMNIVA packages
The price for the shipment - 3.50 EUR, it is delivered within 1-3 working days* to the selected OMNIVA parcel.
Withdrawal within 7 working days, if late, the shipment can only be received by paying extra and contacting us.
Omniva Parcel Addresses - CLICK HERE
Free delivery on OMNIVA packaged orders from 35.00 EUR!

Price for shipment - 4.50 EUR, delivery time 3-7 working days*.

At GLOBUSS bookstore
store addresses: CLICK HERE
There is no additional charge. The shipment is completed within 1-5 working days*, when the order is ready for pickup, the buyer receives an e-mail and/or SMS.

Delivery prices and delivery time outside Latvia:

Price per shipment:
European countries - 19.99 EUR, delivery time 15-30 days*
Outside Europe - 39.99 EUR, delivery time 15-30 days*

* Please note that delivery may be delayed by 2-4 working days during pre-holidays and holidays!



Terms of use

According to the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Latvia, the Buyer can exercise the right of withdrawal and unilaterally withdraw from the distance contract within 14 calendar days and return the product purchased in the e-shop to the Company.

The customer has the right to cancel the order also if:
Law on Protection of Consumer Rights Article 14. Non-compliance of the product or service with the terms of the contract

it does not meet the requirements set out in regulatory acts or regulatory technical documents, as well as the requirements that are usually set - it does not have the characteristics and performance that are usually possessed by the same type of goods and that the consumer can reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the goods;
it is not valid for the purposes provided for in the normative technical documents or the technical passport, but if there are none, for the purposes for which goods of the same name and description are usually used;
it is not valid for the purposes for which the consumer has chosen the product and about which he directly or indirectly communicated to the seller when concluding the contract, except in cases where the seller could not understand such special purposes at the time of the sale and the consumer had no reasonable reason to rely on the competence and judgment of the seller;
it does not correspond to the characteristics or its configuration does not correspond to the configuration that the seller presented with product samples or models during the conclusion of the contract or making the offer;
it is not wrapped, but wrapping is necessary to protect the product from damage or deterioration;
misleading, false, incomplete or unclear (illegible) information is provided about it or it is not provided at all and therefore it is impossible to use the product for its intended purpose or it poses or may pose a threat to the consumer's property, health, life or the environment;
it is fake.

Law on Protection of Consumer Rights Article 28
Consumer's rights, if a product that does not comply with the terms of the contract was sold or given to him for use

A consumer who has been sold or put into use a product that does not comply with the terms of the contract has the right to demand that the manufacturer or seller perform one of the following actions:

reduces the price of the product accordingly;
eliminates the non-compliance of the goods with the terms of the contract without compensation or reimburses the consumer for the costs of eliminating the non-compliance;
exchange the product for the same or equivalent product that would ensure compliance with the terms of the contract;
cancels the contract and refunds the amount of money paid for the product to the consumer.
Article 12, part six of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Latvia stipulates that "The consumer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the product, if the product is used for a purpose other than to clarify the nature, properties and operation of the product.".
According to the regulations of the MK of the Republic of Latvia "Regulations on distance contracts":
22. The consumer cannot use the right of refusal if:
22.1. the provision of the service, which was started before the expiry of the right of withdrawal, has been fully completed, if the consumer has expressly agreed and confirmed that he will lose the right of withdrawal from the day when the contract for the provision of the service has been fully fulfilled;
22.2. the price of the product or service depends on financial market fluctuations that cannot be controlled by the seller or service provider and may occur during the right of withdrawal;
22.3. the item is made to the consumer's instructions or the item is clearly personalized;
22.4. the product is perishable or soon to expire;
22.5. the consumer has opened the packaging of the product, which cannot be returned due to health and hygiene reasons;
22.6. due to its characteristics, the product is irreversibly mixed with other things after delivery;
22.7. a contract has been concluded for the delivery of an alcoholic beverage, the price of which has been agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of the contract, if its delivery can be made after 30 days and its value depends on market fluctuations beyond the seller's control;
22.8. the consumer has requested the seller or service provider to come and perform urgent repairs or maintenance work. If over 

the provider or the service provider, when visiting the consumer, provides an additional service or supplies goods that are not necessary spare parts to perform repairs or maintenance work, the right of refusal is applicable to the said additional services or goods;
22.9. the consumer has opened the packaging of audio or video recordings or computer programs;
22.10. newspapers, periodicals or magazines are supplied, except where they are supplied under a subscription agreement;
22.11. the contract was concluded in an open auction;
22.12. a contract concluded for accommodation services (except contracts for the rental of residential premises), transportation of goods, rental of vehicles, meals or entertainment events, if the service provider undertakes to provide the service on a certain day or during a certain period of time;
22.13. the contract is concluded for the supply of digital content, which is not supplied on a permanent data carrier, if the supply of digital content has been initiated with the consumer's prior express consent and confirmation of the loss of the right of refusal.
According to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers "Rules on the contract concluded outside the permanent place of trade or provision of services":
The consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal if the consumer has opened the packaging of the product, which cannot be returned due to health and hygiene reasons (including electric toothbrush, depilator, electric beard shaver, beard/hair trimmer, electric hair clipper, in-ear audio headphones, body care products and other goods of a similar nature, if the packaging of these goods has been opened and/or the security seal has been damaged).
Law on Protection of Consumer Rights Article 12. Right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal is the consumer's right to unilaterally withdraw from the contract (reject the order) within a certain period of time, without paying a contractual penalty, interest or damages.

The consumer can use the right of withdrawal to withdraw from:
of a contract concluded outside the permanent place of trade or provision of services;
distance contract;
contract for the temporary acquisition of the right to use a building or part of a building intended for living.
The manufacturer, seller or service provider, at the time of concluding the contract referred to in the second part of this article or at the time of the sale of the product or the transfer of the order, submits to the consumer a written refusal form, which mentions the name (company), name, surname and address of the manufacturer, seller or service provider, as well as the refusal description of rights.
The consumer addresses the written refusal to the person whose name (company), name, surname and address are indicated on the refusal form. Sending a refusal within a specified period terminates the contract and releases the consumer from any contractual obligations, except for the costs associated with returning the goods to the manufacturer, seller or service provider.
The consumer is obliged to return the product to the manufacturer, seller or service provider (if the product or thing has been received) within seven days after sending a written refusal. The manufacturer, seller or service provider is obliged to refund to the consumer the amount of money paid for the product or service up to the moment of termination of the contract, including all interest, within seven days after receipt of documents confirming the cost. If the consumer uses the right of refusal, justifying it by the non-compliance of the product or service with the terms of the contract, and the product or thing is returned at his own expense, then the manufacturer, seller or service provider must also compensate the consumer for the costs related to the return of the product or thing within seven days after receiving documents confirming the costs .
The consumer is responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the product during the period of exercising the right of withdrawal.
The consumer prepares the claim application in a free form or fills out the claim application form, which is in accordance with the Rules of the MK of August 1, 2006 No. 631 "Procedure in which a consumer's claim for a product or service that does not comply with the terms of the contract is submitted and processed": please contact the manager of the eStore to return the product.